A great way to use the Library is to come in, see what catches your interest and check it out. Or maybe you know what title you want, are researching a specific subject, or your time is limited. Either way this basic orientation will help get you started,
The First Floor
The Main Room
- You can find all of the new adult fiction, biographies, adult non-fiction, magazines, and DVDs in their own section.
- The rest of adult fiction collection is arranged alphabetically by author.
- Young adult titles, some highlighted literary classics, graphic novels, and audio books can be found in their own section of shelving.
- DVD's older than 3 months are shelved across the back wall. With about 2,000 titles, the Totman Library has one of the best DVD collections around, even compared to some larger area libraries.
- The magazine selection is near the DVDs.
The Computer Room
- Located to the right of the Main Room, the Computer Room has six carrels for computers. You can use a Library computer or your own computer which can be connected to the Library wi-fi.
- The Library’s Local History/Genealogy collection is kept in locked cases (the desk attendant has the key and will ask you to sign-out the book for in-Library use).
- Check out the antique roll-top desk! When the Library was established in 1923, it was the librarian’s desk.
The Library Meeting Room
At the back of the Main Room is the door to the Library Meeting Room where various Library meetings and programs are held.
The Basement Floor
The Non-Fiction Room
Don’t miss the Library’s surprisingly varied non-fiction collection, which is down the stairs you’ll see to the right when you enter the Library.
The Second Floor
The Children’s Room
The second floor is occupied by the children’s collection. This collection includes: middle reader, early reader, juvenile fiction, and juvenile non-fiction.
Virtual Use
The Online Public Acess Catalog (OPAC) System
This is your virtual shortcut to using the Library. It is a web-enabled database containing the Library’s collection, and a powerful tool to find a specific book, request a book be put on hold or survey the sources on a topic of interest. OPAC enables you to search for an item by title, author, subject, keyword and many other attributes.
Sign in to OPAC using your library card number found on back of your Library Card along with your last name. You can see the due dates of items you’ve checked out, reserve a book for the future, or even view a list of all the books you’ve checked out in the recent past.
You can access OPAC in two ways:
- At the Library's computer search station opposite the checkout desk
- From the Book Search link on the navigation bar of this Web site